Situational Center of the Region Head
Created as part of Presidential Order No. ПР-2308 dated October 3, 2013
The establishment of Situational Center (SC) advances the efficacy and excellence of decision-making in public administration and security. The SC gathers real-time information, allowing for swift response to a range of emergencies (e.g., wildfires, ethnic conflicts) and to monitor/evaluate the socio-economic status of the region.

Smart SC system gathers and analyses brief details from a range of regional information sources (including components of the "Safe City" system), providing high-tech support to the head of constituent territory.

  • Main Goals:
  • Improve the effectiveness and quality of executive decision-making
  • Support for implementing the national security strategy aligning with the concept of distributing situational centers
  • Monitor and analyze socio-economic development of the region.
  • Set and monitor control commands.
  • Analyze the current socio-political status in the area, looking into surveys and media tracking.
  • Monitor and manage the situation related to the protection of human lives.
  • Forecast and evaluate key indicators in the economic, financial, demographic, industrial, information and other areas.