Storage system (open source) for the Ministry of Digital Development, Novosibirsk Region
By order of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of Novosibirsk Region, an open-source data storage system - Ceph/PetaSAN technology stack - was deployed in the data center of regional government.
Ensure independence from foreign proprietary software, reduce operational costs and scale without compromising fault tolerance.
Independence from imported hardware/software
Reduce software and SAN support costs with an open source architecture
Low cost cold data storage as low as 1 PB (with seamless capacity expansion to hundreds of petabytes)
Optimal storage and processing of hot data (support for online broadcasting of video surveillance systems, accumulation of video archives and active work therewith)
Fast implementation in IT infrastructure using existing experts
Horizontal scalability by simply adding new servers with similar disks
Servers with x86 architecture, 10-gigabit Ethernet, software-defined storage system, open-source Ceph/PetaSAN.
Introduced the ability to store huge amounts (from petabytes) of "cold" data using slow spindle drives.
The ability to scale storage horizontally by adding new servers with similar drives, and the ability to enable "hot" data sets by adding servers with fast SSD drives.
User experience with the system is optimized by creating a friendly web-based graphical interface and built-in monitoring with event alerts via email.